Thursday, July 24, 2014

Frozen Fun

Hello! Molly here.
A few days ago my sisters and I acted out the Disney movie Frozen using handmade costumes.
My sister Emily played Anna, in a very pretty version of her Coronation Day Dress.

My adorable (most of the time :)) sister Belle played Kristoff. We tucked her hair into her sweater to make it more convincing! ;)

And I, Molly Hannah Grayson, played the beautiful, gorgeous, fantastic, (From Anne: She's kind of a self-adorer, can you tell? ;)) Queen Elsa!

We had a lot of fun, and we got to share it with the doll lovers around the world at the same time! How cool is that? Anyway, I should go. I will post something later, or as soon as Grandma lets me borrow her computer again.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Rebecca Breaks Her Foot- A Photo Story by Anne and Alexis

Hello Everyone! My name is Rebecca, and my mom is Alexis. I would like to share today's adventure with you.

I was very bored after HOURS of playing dolls, so I decided to go outside and climb a tree.

I climbed higher and higher, until...
Oww! HELP! Oh, no! How am I going to get someone all the way out here to help me?
Hey, my phone is with me! Now I can text Emily and ask her to help me.
"Oh, no! Are you OK?" Emily asked. "Let's get you fixed up."
I had to have several casts put on. Callie was so cute throughout the whole episode! She kept meowing and pawing at my casts. She made me feel so much better!
Here's an up close of the tissue box. Isn't it cute? Mommy and her friend made it. 
I ended up having to use crutches, but I'm getting the hang of them, and in the end they just may turn out to be fun!
Bye for now,